At our campus, we provide facilities and equipment as follows:-
1. Reception
2. Lounge Areas
3. Discussion Area
4. Relaxation Areas
5. Dining Areas
6. Gym
7. Garden
8. Spacious Bathroom
9. Fully Air-Conditioned
10. Televisions with Astro & WIFI
11. Electronic Keyboard Piano
12. Wheelchairs, Reclainer Chairs & Commode Chairs
13. Hydraulic Patient Lift
14. Exercise Pulley
15. Pedal Exerciser
16. Treadmill
17. Aspirators / Suction Machines
18. Oxygen Machines
19. Hand Mobilizing Machine
20. Walker Standing Frame for Stroke
21. Lift Bed
22. Lockers
23. Lift
24. Gym House
1. 24 hours nursing care
2. Private Nurses (Upon Request)
3. Daily Monitoring of vital signs
-Blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature
4. Blood glucose monitoring
5. Daily personal health record
6. Wound dressing and management
7. Oxygent therapy care and management
8. Catheterization / feeding tube & tracheostomy care